Advertisement payments: Please contact us before you pay for an ad. All ads must be approved in advance. E-mail us with inquiries please. advertise@tvnewslies.org
NOTICE: Our radio show is currently looking for sponsors. We are not accepting ads until we have sufficient sponsorship. Please contact us if you would lik eto sponsor the program.
- 1 Month banner ad on our news page $75/month:
- New editorial 1st month: $100
- New editorial permanent (Remains on the page for as long as the site exists): $200:
- Page specific, not including news page or new editorials: $50
- Permanent banner on the page of your choice (not including the front page, radio page or news page), Your banner stays put for as long as our site remains on the Internet!: $400
- 1 Month banner ad on our news page $55/month:
- New editorial 1st month: $80
- New editorial permanent (Remains on the page for as long as the site exists): $150:
- Page specific, not including news page or new editorials: $40/month