Having taken its rightful place alongside Popular Mechanics and The History Channel as one of the 21st century's most plentiful peddlers of yellow journalism with their first 9/11 hit piece last year, "Auntie Beeb" had another crack at the whip on July 6th when it aired a documentary about the collapse of WTC Building 7, the 47-storey skyscraper that imploded into its own footprint on 9/11 without being hit by a plane, called "The Third Tower".
The program claimed to offer the solution to the "final mystery of 9/11". Clearly the fact that the BBC has trotted out another version of this same documentary within four months is an admittance of a failure to do just that.
Establishment News Media...
There is blood on your hands!
1/2 the Story = 1 Complete Lie.
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