Monday, Mar 10th

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Nice to Know Some Sanity Checks Never Bounce

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... If it makes any difference at all, it's probably not the Halloween stuff at the stores and at home, even though the kids always go nuts for this "creep out" stuff.  More and more adults, too, looks like -- some say it's the second-biggest holiday of the year, if not THE biggest.

Ca-Ching, goes the cash register, and another angel costume gets its wings bent, straight out of the box -- isn't that how that one goes, from that "It's a Dunderheaded Life" movie they always play this time of year?

Sorry, I know what it's really called, it's just that life has pretty weird lately, and you know how we always joked around about movie titles, like the...

What? Yeah, Bedford Falls and Jimmie Stewart -- always such a great story.  My favorite actor, too.  Did you ever see him in "Harvey," about that big rabbit -- or "Arsenic and Old Lace" either?

Oh, that's right -- that was Cary Grant, wasn't it.  Might make a good double feature on your home front this weekend.  Hmmm?  Yeah, we might do "Galaxy Quest" back-to-back with "Mystery Men" again.  Silly, but I like them both, at least once a year. How can you not enjoy a send-up of superheroes or space shows on teevee.  Nice to escape and laugh for a while...

Huh? Oh, yeah, "The Hatchback of Notre Dame," I'd forgotten about you making up that one for a sec.  I love it -- and a good pick, this time of year.  Yeah, yeah -- the Laughton one, wasn't.... excuse me?

Yes, I absolutely agree -- the old black-and-white, classic monster movies from the 40s and 50s are way better fun.  I mean, who needs all that gore, the way the world is today, right?  Nice to set the mood, and leave something to the imagination.

And... well, exactly.  Who needs all that blood spurting and spraying all over -- like that's a great quality movie?  I don't think so!  Besides, the black-and-white film is so perfect for all those atmospheric lighting techniques they used.  There's probably no one left alive who has a clue how to do...

Well, sure.  Who could top Karloff?  Lugosi?  Rains?  Chaney?  Maria Ouspenskaya?  They even snuck in dear old Basil Rathbone in one of....

Yeah, they were the best, all right.  Say, did you ever see "Invisible Woman" with Bruce and Barrymore?  Not quite like the original with ol' Claude, but still a fine...

Say again? Well, hell yeah -- of course this Republican war on women is insane.  I mean, from all these nuts and their rape confusions and idiocies?  Ryan and his "rape's just another form of conception" nonsense and...

That's what I mean, too. No wonder you're feeling like the invisible woman yourself these days.  These toads had their way, women would stay in the kitchen until called for, and remain quiet until spoken to, like... like.... I dunno.... some kind of meat puppets or something.  It's like, Hey, welcome to 1812, you second-class wimmenfolk...

Not that too many guys pitch in at home after you both come home from a long day -- especially not Republicans.  These geeks make sure women's work's never done, even if the woman works as hard as the guy all day.  Hmmm? Yeah, I think you really did luck out with Dave -- he's a good man.  Oh, so it wasn't luck, you're saying?

Uh-huh -- hey, go ahead.  I'm not the one digging the hole here!  Oh, sure, I know you're kidding.  But these brain-damaged, bible-pounders...

Well, yeah, of course.  It's like, no, I don't want to know about your religion -- and I don't want to see or hear about your groin surgery or see the scar near your crotch, either. I just tell 'em, look -- go do all that stuff in private if you have to, otherwise, just leave everyone else alone.  We enjoy being sane!

Never saw one who wasn't.  Everyone one of these crazy religious people can't wait to get the country to go kill something or somebody else.  I don't remember seeing anything about warmongers and greed-heads will inherit the Earth, do you?

Well, sure. Add in some more madness from these right-to-lifers, and you've got a real insane asylum brewing, and not the Karloff kind, but the real thing!

Whazzat? Oh, yeah, I did.  I couldn't believe it either -- Republicans voting 203 to 7 against the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay thing?  With all the crazed dementia leaking out of that party, it's a wonder any woman would give a Republican male the time of day.

Yeah, you're probably right.  Piles of money equals a good provider medal, and I guess some women don't care what they get.  Still, it just amazes me that women married to Republicans don't just, you know, hold out on their, uh, affections, until their men grow back a brain and get at least half a clue!

Sorry, I don't mean to get on a run, and I don't mean to shout.  I'm just fed up with mindless dolts running around trying to grab up power and a say-so over everyone, flapping their bibles around and ignoring every good thought in the book.

You got it. My point exactly!  I'd sure like to throw the book at them for a change, the useless pit vipers. If it's not psychotic nonsense about rape and a woman's right to privacy in her own health care...

Yeah, I do remember them not wanting the government butting into health care, getting between, what was it?  Getting between people and their doctors, wasn't it?  Yeah, so, why'd they want government forcing their way into women's exam rooms...

Well, yeah, and there, too, with these forced-rape tests of theirs.  Right-to-lifers my left, uh, big toe -- yeah.  That too -- oh, heck... Both of them, far as that goes!  Sure... Protect the undifferentiated cell clusters at all costs -- call it a child before anyone beds down and swaps fluids, then -- the minute the kid is born, trash every program you can find to support that new mother and child.... SNAP, school lunch program, health clinics, anything that might actually help a new...

Yes, I do remember that one -- that bloated toad Limbaugh, Mister Republican Party himself, saying over and over, that hungry kids should just go eat out of dumpsters.  That's called entertainment? What kind of enter....

I know -- 40, 50 million a year.  It's a crime.  Him and all these other sociopaths in the insane right-wingnut media stable that've been brainwashing stupes for the last 25 years, and lurching the country so far right that a regular Democrat's now like way, way over here or something.  Even Eisenhower and Nixon would seem like commie-pinkos to these boneheads today, not that Nixon... S'cuse me?

Oh, I know.  These yahoos wouldn't know a socialist if one bit them on the butt.  Germany's doing just fine, better than most these days, while we're sliding into third-world status over here all the time -- thankaveramuch, and Germany's a social democ...

Yeah, well, like they say, when fascism comes ashore here, it'll be wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.  Well, sure -- it's already got too many footholds now, thanks to Citizens United and these blockading, traitorous do-nothing Republicans content to let people starve and let the country crash, just to make good on their threat to drive that black man out of the White House, no matter what it takes...

Yeah, it's all so sad that's how so many people still are.  The ignorance is almost deafening. And these Teabaggers are just clueless they're being played for fools by the billionaires that got their little astroturf groups funded and rolling...

I know, I know.  If Republicans would only just ask themselves that question -- what has a Republican EVER done for the regular working-class American?  If they were honest with themselves or knew even one whit of history, they'd have to conclude the answer was el-zippo, nada, and zilch.

I'm sure they do!  Maybe they think the billionaires will come let them come play in their special sandbox -- when these mega-rich asshats feel about them the way a new mom feels about letting her newborn crawl around in a catbox not emptied for the last decade...

Yeah, sorry about that.  It's just that I....

Oh, I know, the lying is just murderous.  Yep, yep -- just like you say.  I don't know how Fox gets away with lying, just right straight out, like that.  Go figure the courts say it's fine to lie like hell in the news.  I know!

And these barf-bag cretins Romney and Ryan are the worst of the whole lot, not that the rest of these Rethugs are anywhere close to sane or truthful -- I mean, Geez Louise! All these twinkies lie faster than the speed of sound, just carpet-bombing the ever-livin' truth out of everyth...

Yeah, I'm sorry, too, that attack ads have taken over.  Thank Citizens United again -- it's fine to hijack an election if you have enough bucks to buy it.  I don't know how you guys turn the teevee on out there, since you're in one of the big battleground states like you are...

Yeah, probably work as well as anything -- just give any undecideds the ad money, directly, for their votes, and give people some peace and quiet.  A'course, I have no idea how anyone could really be undecided at this point.  It's like, look, would you like us to call some special help for you -- someone who could help with your...

I know, but that's a whole other kettle of fish, scrapping the electoral college, so some ad investments in a few swing states don't buy the whole shooting match.  Like the...

Hmmm?  Well, sure -- the whole thing is utter madness.  You add in all the sexism, the ugly racism, the birther horse manure, the Kenyan-socialist crap, and the take our country back pinheads and screamers, and you've got a genuinely uninformed, sick, twisted, manipulated....

It's the same way here.  It's like all the Republican households in the country all got their dumb-down and stay-stupid pills from the GOP and have been gobbling those up so fast, they're starting to hallucinate, like Ray Milland in....

Well, if only we could commit them, it'd be a really good start to getting the country back on the road to better health, for cryin' out loud!

Yeah, could be. Maybe Chumley's Rest is where we ALL need to go -- good enough for that pooka Harvey, right?  Oh, there you go -- sounds like Dave and the kids are back again.

Sure thing, I know you need to go.  Well, sis.  It's been good talking with you.  Give everyone my best. Love ya.  G'night.

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