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Stop Making Sense: Reprise

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It is difficult to know where to start, to know where the most appropriate jumping-off place might be.  Instead, we will simply stand up, move to the popped-open door, gauge the height off the ground as being good enough, hook up the static line, check ourselves and the package, and just jump -- parachuting in with some stray facts and thoughts, ammo that will come in handy in the incessant political wars.

The pallets of ammo were too big to send in this trip, but the treasure-map directions to get to these word-artists' palettes are safe, they are right here, good as gold.  Meanwhile, not to worry, the enemy will never find the secret stash -- facts, truth, and logic -- as they've been overlooking them for decades, right under their noses, if they'd cared to look.  All this time, we figured we'd just not yet stumbled on the secret code or right sequence of facts to unlock their arm-linked, lock-stepped, right-wing minds.

Stop trying to figure out right-wingers, and stop trying to use facts and logic with them in conversations, hoping to change their Fox-channeling minds.  Right-wingers just don't have the mental gear to process facts or truth, so far down the rabbit-hole of propaganda as they are. Making things worse, they have no inclination toward logic or sanity. There has been no communication here because, quite frankly, right wingers lack any brain-box apparatus to do so, which, in turn, creates in them less-than-zero-percent interest in compiling a common language we might all use.  So, stop wasting your time trying to triage these head-cases, trying to sort out which ones are head injuries, or determine which ones are cases of congenital madness or viral insanity.

As in the adjusted adage:  Never try to teach a pig to parachute as it just wastes your time and annoys the pig. Instead, pigs will fly -- come streaming right out of the most unlikely places -- before we will get through to right-wingers with anything remotely close to the truth.  Who knows, it may be harmful to right-wingers' health to try to shock them awake with logic and facts, as we've long been warned not to do with sleepwalkers.  Thing is, though, sleepwalkers will eventually find their own paths back to bed, complete their sleeping, and all wake up feeling refreshed -- present and accessible, based in reality again.  Not so with right-wingers, who are much more similar to intra-dimensional, brain-dead, stratospheric zombies at home on Planet Bonzo, but ill at ease around here with all us regular, common-sense, and fact-wielding, logic-using, regular people.

For all the fascinating details -- and they are immensely astonishing and astounding, stuffed-full of Ahas! and Sothat'swhys... -- you are referred to the original sources by Mike Lofgren, Chris Mooney, and Bob Altemeyer for your reading.  These pieces need a little room to stretch their wings, and be told in their own words, not summarized one shard at a time.  These pieces are among the most important things you are likely to read in a very long time.  They explain who these zombies are in our midst, why they are as they are, why facts and logic fail to penetrate their minds, why they fail to show signs of intelligent life at all.  These pieces come as highly recommended as can be, are required reading, and are not to missed.

If you have ever asked yourself, "Who are these thugs?" or "What in hell is wrong with these lugs?" then all these are for you to enjoy -- code-breaking aids for your uses, there on the daily front lines, psyching out the enemy, trying to read what's left of their minds.

Thanks to Truthout,org for carrying Mike Lofgren's piece:

Thanks to for running Chris Mooney's piece:

Bob Altemeyer's book, "The Authoritarians" is available here, free, on PDF:

Thanks, of course, to for previously carrying some of our thoughts along these same lines:

And, thanks to Mike Malloy for broadcasting the Lofgren piece on his radio show.  If you are not checking in with Mike, you do not have the full story.  Find his show.  Listen, support, repeat:  No kidding.

Plus, last but not least, tongue parked in cheek, here at the end, we just couldn't help it, as some small relief in this very weighty list:  Our profound apologies to pigs -- mostly good-natured creatures who have endured endless lip-sticking, song instruction, and flights in mid-air, just to illustrate human points of view.  Worst of all, they have been compared to right-wingers, for which we here offer, with all possible and due respect, our most humble, long-lasting, and most elementary regrets.

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