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Guest Commentary

Global Internet Voting Firm Buys U.S. Election Results Reporting Firm

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By Bev Harris, founder of

In a major step towards global centralization of election processes, the world's dominant Internet voting company has purchased the USA's dominant election results reporting company.

When you view your local or state election results on the Internet, on portals which often appear to be owned by the county elections division, in over 525 US jurisdictions you are actually redirected to a private corporate site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name


Six Problems Unique to 2012 New Hampshire Elections:

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By Bev Harris, founder of

  1. Removed safeguards for its same-day registration system.
  2. Ignores the law on ballot-stuffing safeguards.
  3. Breaks the chain of custody.
  4. Conceals vote-counting from the public, in violation of Article 32 of its own Constitution.
  5. Removed candidate recount rights (2009).
  6. Made it illegal for public citizens or members of the press to examine the ballots after the election is over (2003)


  1. Get involved with Protect the Count NH or Watch the Vote 2012 (links below).
  2. Monitor the trap doors WHAT'S GOOD ABOUT NEW HAMPSHIRE'S FIRST-IN-NATION PRIMARY? Like the Iowa caucus system, it forces candidates to answer real questions from actual people. Political strategists like their candidates to plan their media (setting up media ops that are nothing short of laughable; placing their candidates in cornfields, in tanks, on factory assembly lines, donning catcher's mitts and plaid shirts and baseball caps.) Unscripted moments are forced on candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire, where locals won't vote-ya if you hide behind photo ops.

Iowa: Issues of Integrity for the Iowa Republican Caucus

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by Bev Harris, founder of Black Box Voting

Brad Friedman at reports on some key procedures in the 2012 Iowa Republican caucus. At issue is just how transparent and public the process is, and whether there are any holes in the cheese. Fewer holes than 2008, it seems. A bit of diligence on the part of caucus participants will be needed (see end of this article for what to do).

There is also some consternation from concerned citizens about a recent story, which reports that the Iowa statewide caucus counting will be moved to an undisclosed location, its author chiding those who question the transparency behind such a move as "conspiracy minded types." To be clear about this, insisting on transparency is a necessary and patriotic element of running any public election, and ridiculing public citizens who examine transparency is kind of embarrassing. For the reporter. Not the citizens.


15,000 Voters Left Off 2008 Voter List in Shelby County, Tennessee!

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By Bev Harris: founder of
Part 2A of a 5-part series on voter list data

20% of All 18-year Olds Omitted -- Data Entry Failure for Last-Minute Registration Forms to Blame

There is still time to correct these problems by 2012. This story is not just about Shelby County, Tennessee, where I believe the elections commission is competently addressing these problems for 2012. Last-minute dumps of new voter registration forms was a national problem in 2008, and across America voters reported that when they showed up to vote, their name was missing from the list.

The 2008 presidential election brought millions of new voters to the polls, with enthusiasm especially high among youth and minority voters. Yet in Shelby County (the home of the great city of Memphis), over 15,000 voters, disproportionately young or Black voters, were omitted from the list of valid voters at the time of early voting; by Election Day, the names finally made it to the list.


From An American: I Want to Apologize to the World

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From An American:
I Want to Apologize to the World

I am so sorry for the pain we have caused you...
for the pain and suffering we have caused to you,
your families, and your countries.

I am so sorry for the pain and atrocity. I am sorry for what
has been done to you, to the members of your families, and to the
once beautiful lands of the countries you live in.


Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican

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Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.


Massachusetts Already Has Romney/Obama Care. Massachusetts Physicians Prefer Single-Payer

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by Jerry Polilcoff,  Research Committe Chair and original Board member of Healthcare4ALLPA

Earlier today, Dr. Walter Trou referred to a survey of Massachusetts physicians where 34% supported moving to a single-payer system. Dr. Trou , a former Philadelphia Health Commissioner, also is a board member of Healthcare4AllPA and Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP).

I found the study that was conducted in 2010,  as well as the 2011 study that is now out.

The survey is in a pdf format that does not permit copying (you can print it or down load it though).  I’ve summarized the findings that are of value to single-payer advocates, and they are attached.  The url for both the 2010 and 2011 studies are at the end.


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