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Guest Commentary

Sorry About That

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by Richard Denne, author of Letter from a Vietnam Combat Veteran.


Here I was a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne in the mid 1960s. One of the Screaming Eagles a warrior’s elite. In the back of my mind, I always knew that there was a chance I might end up in a prison camp. A chance I might be tortured, starved, beaten, stripped of all human dignity… I just never thought it would happen in my own country.

In 1965, the Vietnam War was in full swing. Since I had theater experience, I decided to enlist as an “entertainment specialist.” After surviving boot camp, I found myself in Advanced Infantry Training, learning the art of killing. Not the job description of a wannabe “master of ceremony.” Numerous protest and inquiries were fruitless. The military would not admit they had made an error. – A characteristic of them I was to become very familiar with.


Letter from a Vietnam combat veteran:

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Note:  This letter originally aired on the Mike Malloy Radio Show, on January 1, 2013. .  It is reprinted here with permission from the author:

I served in the 101st Airborne as a grunt in Vietnam in 1966 and as a Door Gunner in a Gun Ship with the 129th in 1967. I also served time in the stockade where I was tortured for speaking truth to power after I survived my tour across the pond. ‘Just saw Zero Dark Thirty and thought you might enjoy the rant.

The NRA has nothing to do with gun rights for anyone. The NRA is nothing but a ‘store front’ set up for the gun and bullet makers. Our fellow citizens are so stupid as to believe that the NRA has something to do with the 2nd Amendment. It never did… From 1868 until the 1970’s The NRA supported, “strict gun control.” Do a little research! Then NIXON and the Law and Order gang came to power and the NRA created the self- protection con. FEAR! Americans are pussies and love to be afraid at all times for any reason. It is in our country’s culture and mind set for Christ sake. That’s when the 2nd Amendment became an issue. It worked! Hey, it’s still working.

What I am about to say may seem unreal to many but it is true. I served in the infantry as a combat grunt in 1966 in Vietnam. While I was the infantry all soldiers had a weapon that they had to carry with them at all times. However, when we were in a rear area, every warrior had to turn in his ammo, i.e. bullets. Mind you there was no safe place in the rear areas. Our government took our bullets away because they did not trust us even after all that training. These “assault weapons” were so dangerous the government didn’t want us WARRIORS to have access to them until we really, really needed them. What does that tell you?


Colorado Sets The Stage For A Bogus Election

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By Bev Harris, Founder of

Colorado election integrity and transparency is now officially out the window, with a series of corruption protection rules and new laws.

1. Let's begin with the unflappable Donetta Davidson, who collaborated with convicted embezzler Jeffrey Dean(1) to remove voter privacy, through a contract specification that required him to redo his absentee mail software in order to embed a method to tie voted ballots to the voters. This shifty business, which now includes all absentee ballots cast on Hart eSlate machines, has led to a blockade on ALL Colorado election accounting records (see #4, below).

2. Next, in a move that has most of us scratching our heads, Colorado Sec. State Gessler proposed new rules in December 2011 to remove requirements for continuous video surveillance.(2) Though billed as "cost saving," note that most video surveillance nowadays is simply piped into digital files stored on a Web site. Since cameras are already installed, there is no significant cost savings in allowing non-continuous surveillance.

3. Sec. State Gessler also decided to reduce the number of seals on voting machines,(2) to the chagrin of election integrity groups like Voter Action, whose investigations and litigation demonstrated vulnerabilities requiring the seals in the first place. The "cost savings" in this measure can be counted in pennies.


How Redistricting Mismanagement Destroys Voting Rights

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By Bev Harris, Founder of

Richard HoldenShelby County is currently enduring yet another botched election -- perhaps the worst one yet. Under Election Administrator Richard Holden's misleadership, this time thousands of voters are being disenfranchised by giving them the wrong ballot, a result of administrative foot-dragging on redistricting-related database updates.

Based on tips I have been receiving from several US locations, precinct boundary changes caused by redistricting will be bollixed in multiple jurisdictions across the USA in November. Some -- like Shelby County -- will be of strategic importance.


Electronic Vote-Counting Increasingly By Global Private Vendors

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By Bev Harris, founder of

A press release today about the planned expansion of Unisyn into more USA locations renews attention on foreign ownership of corporations selling voting systems into the United States.

Unisyn is owned by a Malaysian gambling outfit. Another major elections industry player, Canada's Dominion, purchased the massive Diebold Election Systems division (which it shares with ES&S); Dominion also owns Smartmatic, which handles electronic vote-counting in the Philippines and Belgium. Military voting is now handled in several states by Barcelona, Spain-owned Scytl. In January 2012, Scytl acquired the largest election results reporting firm, SOE Software.


"Occupy 'Vision Statement' a Gift to the Elites."

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TVNL Note: On July 4th, 2012, attendees of the first Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia announced their "Vision For A Democratic Future."  The following is a challenge to that vision and a warning about its message originally stated in an email to Mike Malloy's radio show.

by Tara "dacktyl" Devlin, founder of

Hi, Mike.

I wanted to share my feelings with you about the Occupy statement you read last night.   

Frankly, the statement pissed me off because it sounded to me, not like a beautiful vision for the world in stark contrast to the CON vision of greed, hierarchy and intellectual incuriosity - but the death knell of a once promising movement.

"Our process is our message?!"  WHAT?  Really?  I know that was probably meant to be a radical, bold, daring attempt at a fundamental shift in consciousness about how we organize our society, but it sounded more like a gift to the elites who are giggling with delight by the way Occupy just solidified itself as a fringe movement.

Crafting a "vision statement" that is SO incredibly broad and all encompassing is nothing but wasted time and energy.   The struggling working classes need champions to fight for them in the HERE AND NOW - not paint a "peace and love" picture of an airy-fairy utopia that is SO FAR from fruition to make it frustratingly laughable.


Judge Threatens Gag Order On Effort To Restore Privacy Of Ballot

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By Bev Harris, Founder of

Don't be confused, and don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't talk about this.


We have a right to BOTH. Some election officials have been conflating these two issues, claiming that if we examine ballots we can see how people voted. Now, this raises a stunning question: If this is so, that means that election officials and vendors can also figure out how you voted.

We all need to grab a cleaver and chop these two rights into the two distinct rights that they are. The right to inspect; the right to privacy.


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