Within the next two years, a spooky, powerful and invisible new technology will be deployed by the U.S. government that can instantly scan and identify every molecule on your body or person: the cocaine residue on your dollar bills, prescription drugs in your purse, marijuana in your pocket and even trace powder residue from your practice session at the gun range.
And it can detect all this invisibly, silently, from a range of 50 meters away.
These laser detection devices are slated to be widely deployed across airports, roadside checkpoints, sports stadiums and anywhere else the government wants to surveil the public. Data collected by these devices can even be tagged to your identity so that the government compiles a database of which chemicals were detected on you at each location, for each day of your life.
In an instant, even without your knowledge, this device will be able to determine what you ate for breakfast, whether you're ovulating, whether you have cancer, how long ago you consumed alcohol, and even how much adrenaline is currently pumping through your veins. Everything about you will be scanned, tracked and logged by the government, then combined with your search engine logs, web surfing habits, mobile phone text records, grocery purchasing habits, credit card records and everything else they have on you to create a total police state profile of your psychology and behavior.