Naples rocked by one of the worst earthquakes in 40 years with residents forced to sleep on streets

Naples earthquake

Naples has been rocked by one of the worst earthquakes in the region for 40 years, with residents forced to sleep on streets in the Italian city.

A “huge roar” preceded the tremors in the southern Italian city, sending residents running for the streets at around 1.25am on Thursday.

The entire city and large swathes of its surroundings woke up as the 4.4-magnitude earthquake shook for about 20 seconds.

But the seismic swarm which ensued saw tremors shake the city for two hours.

The quake started about 2.5km beneath Pozzuoli city on the coast, west of Naples, according to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).

Firefighters worked tirelessly to rescue panicked residents, pulling an injured woman from the rubble of her home after the ceiling collapsed in Pozzuoli.
