Saturday, Dec 28th

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You are here News Editorials Alex Baer: It Was the Jest of Times, It Was the Cursed of Times

Alex Baer: It Was the Jest of Times, It Was the Cursed of Times

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JesterOne of the problems with any sort of a year-end wrap-up is knowing where to start.  One other problem is knowing when to stop.

Look at it this way:  When faced with a category called Most Objectionable Republican, you know you've got a really long slog ahead of you.  In all fairness, in a case like this, the possibilities really start opening up and the skies are not just the limit, they're the jumping-off point.

And, if you want to dabble and play around with the assorted fallacies of appearing to falsely balance out the piece, by dragging in an opposing member of the Democratic Party, your list of contenders is going to be far, far shorter.  Even if you count in all the bland, worthless, back-slapping, glad-handing, fence-sitting Blue Dogs.

Where do you begin in Republican Land, wellspring and headwaters of rivers and torrents of crazed, craven candidates created without end?  Do you begin with the assorted herd of offensive numbskulls and nincompoops who have idiotic, insensitive, and ridiculously incomplete information on the subject of rape?

Or, do you start with the plethora of oafs, schmucks, twits, ninnies, blockheads, and goofs who deny elementary science and plain-as-day scientific evidence?  You know, those who insist people rode dinosaurs, and who are waiting for God to fix global climate change -- providing it's in the Big Guy's plans?


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