Makes perfect sense to me: These petty fools have had way too much moonshine.
How else to explain the nation's rapid slide down the sharply-razored bannister, right into a pool of iodine, then sloughed off into a slag heap, Congress able to agree only on one small thing -- banishing one word from all legislation?
Yes, the House of Representatives yesterday voted 398 to 1 to strike the word from all legislation. The Senate did the same back in May. It's an effort to tip one's hat and nod more politely at mental illness -- a noble and politically-correct act.
Very well then: Time for members of Congress to carry through the notion the whole way, and demonstrate they themselves are of sound mind in that legislative body, and bring some clear thinking to the party, and to their Parties.
You see: I am convinced members of Congress would also vote 398 to 1 to first vacuum the carpet in a burning building before alerting the fire department, too. After all, first impressions are important, and a body as lofty as Congress has a certain dignity to maintain, and has to be seen in just the right light.
Let's go ahead and ignore the fact that Congress has all but turned its back on The People in order to prostitute and prostrate itself toward the rich and the corporate, hoping for more corporeal campaign funds with which to remain in office -- always Job One -- rather than lobby the intangible thanks of regular constituents by virtue of sane and helpful legislative deeds.
Republicans -- to a person -- in Congress are the Grand Obstructionist Pinheads that should be bulldozed to one side come the 2014 elections. And everyone else, be they Democrat, Independent, or member of the Purple People Eater Party, should be tarred with the same brush for not calling Republicans on their lunacy, and for not demanding they start making sense for the sake of their country, home states, and their people.