President Obama wasn't really born in Kenya after all. That was just a little good-natured political ruse, for the election, that was all. See, Obama was actually born on Venus.
OK, well, maybe Neptune, at the outside. But it's definitely down to one of those, right there.
Plus, you know what? Obama eats cloned stem cells for breakfast! By the end of this year, it'll be no more bacon-and-eggs for the rest of us -- you mark my words. He'll have us all eating the same glop, and maybe fetuses, too. Then, right after, we'll have to march around every day in socialist parades for an hour or two, singing about how much we love Chairman Marx and Comrade Obama.
And guess what -- that's not all! They're putting LSD in the drinking water -- even the bottled stuff -- to keep us woozy, helpless, and off balance, for when the spacecraft land and Obama sells off all the people to the aliens the way we buy and sell cows!
I even seen them building holding pens for us, and some kind of factory, just over the ridge, on the other side of the tree line. I'm telling you that Soylent Green movie was no movie -- it's a preview of what's going to be, only that's not even half the story.
We're all going to be sold like some sort of hashed-up, mashed-up cat food to the baby-eating, outer-space liberals from Obama's home planet! You wait and see! You wait and see!