Money, success -- it all gets tumbled and jumbled around together, mixed together and stirred ' round and 'round. It's little wonder we've lost track of everything that might rightly be beneath any banner called Success. We usually restrict Success to dance a jig on the rusty insignia of a battered money clip.
Maybe this is a Big Step Up for the Species. Hard to tell. We used to invoke Success only on the heads of dead animals we were dragging back to the hearth in the cave.
But, to that law of the jungle: Money is just bloodsport, turned on its side, and gutted alive, while loved ones watch. It's called unrestricted, unregulated, unfettered, unchained, vampire capitalism. If you've got a problem with that, you're in the wrong country, my friend, and you're playing by outmoded rules for success.
Under the current rules, losing can seem almost as bad as winning to some. But, no matter. There's survival to be attended to. It's the law of the jungle, no matter how well disguised. The game must be played. It is still eat or be eaten -- the only improvement is that the game is done with slips of paper, markers, and questionable witch doctors we call bankers.
Those who do poorly at or detest the contest say it is a curse that comes with being alive. Those who excel at it and adore all aspects of the game say it is the only thing really worth living for. One would think the truth must be somewhere near the middle -- but, I have learned to not get my hopes up.