Incredibly, the Republicans think they can pull a Ronald Reagan stunt and work the 'Morning in America' scam on the voters again. Carter lost a big chunk of the union vote who blamed him for the bad economy caused largely by Nixon, they foolishly believed Reagan to be on their side.
Mitt Romney doesn't pass the smell test for most voters, even with many of those who will vote for him anyway.
But are you better off than four years ago? Well, the banks are no longer dropping like leaves from the trees after an early frost. At 4.5 million, more jobs have been created than Bush lost, in fact more than he created in 8 years. In total Bush's new job creation was a net zero. The first decade of zero growth ever.
Romney is trying to take credit for GM's success. But if Romney had let them go bankrupt as he really advocated, it would have meant GM leaving the US and becoming a Chinese company. In fact, few if any cars would be made here now as it was the parts suppliers who got paid with government money. In an unsupported bankruptcy, the courts would have wiped out the creditors including all the parts factories that supply the other car makers in the US.