Speaking of the continuing meltdown horrors at Fukushima...
Speaking of the fresh fuel rods jammed into damaged buildings so fragile they couldn't ride out a wiggle...
Speaking of hydrogen gas and steam explosions carrying radioactivity aloft...
Speaking of all the radioactive water dumped into the sea, over and over again, sometimes by accident, sometimes by helplessness and design...
Speaking of the recent discovery that Japan's Tsuruga nuclear plant was built atop an active fault -- surprise! -- after all...
Speaking of not knowing the types or the amounts of radiation vaulted into the air and sent all 'round the world, many times over...
Speaking of radioactive, recycled metal showing up in consumer goods on or shores...
Speaking of tsunami debris starting to wash up along the western shores of North America...
Speaking of mutated produce...
... you might remember 1986 and Chernobyl: Today is the 26th anniversary of one of the scariest horror stories to scare living hell out of the most hard-bitten nuclear-power enthusiast. More than 300,000 people were resettled in that one. Happy Anniversary, so to speak.