Monday, Jan 06th

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Is The Truth Just Too Simple?

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Ah idiocy. All encouraged by the popular culture vultures.

You can call it what you want. The Universal Creative Force or whatever. Words are powerful but they're just pointers. If you want to call it God fine, but that usually carries a lot of sneaky baggage so I'd be real careful with that one. A programmed belief is attached to that word in the collective subconscious like a 4th dimensional virus and not many have the firewall good enough for full protection.

  • Petitioning an unseen Source over and over for the same things when you "believe" it answers your every prayer.
  • Screaming your "belief" system as loud, insistently and offensively as possible in order to forcibly convince others of your subjective persuasion.
  • Building huge and multiple temples of worship and legions of hierarchical autocrats to give the appearance of institutional credibility, all at the cost of the subjects they are supposed to be "serving".
  • Living meaningless lives that have never answered nevermind addressed the basic questions of who are we, where did we come from, and why are we here?
  • Stubborn unwillingness to consider something may be wrong or limiting or that there's another perspective to whatever belief they're clinging to, no matter how "scientific", "rational" or passionate the mindset.


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