Thursday, Jan 09th

Last update08:34:04 AM GMT

You are here News Editorials Israel's Kent State: After Flotilla Massacre, The Lobby Blames The Victims

Israel's Kent State: After Flotilla Massacre, The Lobby Blames The Victims

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Flotilla attack: Israel's Kent StateThe usual suspects are already rushing to offer the usual double talk to defend what Israel did. Here is typical claptrap from the Israel-is-always-100%-right American Jewish Committee. Also AIPAC and its media acolytes are out there to tell us that the Israelis are the victims, and if you don't think so, you are an anti-semite. Or a self-hating Jew.

But the massacre happened in international waters and the attack was launched by military commandos against civilians trying to relieve other civilians suffering under an illegal blockade.

There is only one spot in this country where the lobby will be able to sell the story that the humanitarian flotilla was the aggressor and that Israel is the victim here. That is the United States Congress.

By Wednesday, your favorite liberal Democrat (let alone Republican) will be mouthing the talking points AIPAC distributed this morning. Don't let them get away with it. Get to Schumer, Boxer, Van Hollen, Grayson, Weiner, Hoyer and the others before they embarrass themselves by defending the indefensible.


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