Sunday, Sep 29th

Last update06:31:21 AM GMT

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Happy Corporate Holidays, America!

Here we go again folks. It’s that time of year when we show our holiday spirit by plunging headlong, eyes wide shut, into personal debt to support China and other countries while our own America slides further into economic chaos. But don’t let that stop you. By all means, go out and spend that last dime on the credit card for a Taiwan trinket. The credit card company will probably be more than willing to increase your limit. Just don’t miss a payment. Can’t pay? Too bad. We’ll simply increase your interest rate and tell all the other credit card companies so that they increase your interest rates also.


I refuse to vote in another phony election

I refuse to be made complicit in selecting the next New World Order flunky.  Not that my vote would count; our votes are not counted.  Diebold, Sequoia and other electronic voting machine manufacturers have seen to it that no matter how we, the public, fill out those ballots the machines magically produce the candidate selected for us prior to the election.  Electronic voting machine manufacturers were well paid for their uncompromising commitment to rigging elections.  After all, why leave anything to chance and leave open the possibility that the people’s choice might actually get elected.  That could really mess things up if we actually had a legitimate candidate that hadn’t been vetted and pre-approved by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberger’s, the Trilateral Commission and various shadowy figures that seem to slip in and out of the shadowy halls of government insisting on having their way.


We're always being set up

Brigitte Gabriel "When you find issues/controversies which people love to debate endlessly, which are emotionally inflammatory and which divide the masses into oppositional stances/groups - it is a pretty strong possibility that the controlling elites might be busy behind the scenes, fomenting these quarrels and keeping them alive."

The latest 'event' took place over this past weekend as the Constitution or Sharia Conference. Kicked out from a local hotel the organizers had previously booked, they found a sanctuary to hold it in none other than Cornerstone Church, Nashville's premier Christian zionist stronghold.


Unsustainable population growth trumps all of our other problems

Globally, the effects of overpopulation play a part in practically every daily report of mass human calamity, but the word “population” is rarely mentioned. Wildfires threaten ever more people because expanding populations are moving nearer and into forests. Floods inundate more homes as populations expand into floodplains. Such extreme events are stoked by climate change, fueled by increasing carbon emissions from an expanding global population.


Dershowitz’ Lies and Glitches by Gilad Atzmon

It’s obvious that, like other Zionists, Dershowitz lacks the elementary capacity to engage in proper intellectual debate. Instead he prefers to take quotes out of context – or if that fails, well, he just lies.

Rabid Zionist Alan Dershowitz is devastated by the success of ‘The Wandering Who’. He just cannot accept that professors and academics endorse the book “as ‘brilliant,’ ‘fascinating,’ ‘absorbing,’ and ‘moving’,” In his latest article he again misses an opportunity to debate the book, its message and its meaning. He prefers instead to indulge in the only things for which he possesses any talent at all - lying and bullying.


"Should Cost" vs. "Did Cost": How the Military-Industrial Complex Swindles Billions of Our Dollars

Military spendingChanging the way we price weapons could cut billions, but will the entrenched Department of Defense bureaucracy allow it? "Forget about what it does cost or what it will cost, we're talking about what it should cost," said Shay Assad.

With that bold quote, Department of Defense (DoD) Director of Defense Pricing Shay Assad, claimed in an interview last week to truly change the DoD's traditional way of pricing weapons - historical costs that have allowed weapons to be grossly priced for years.


Occupy the Courts!

Because of decisions rendered by our courts, millions of people are losing their homes. Because of decisions rendered by courts, families are being torn apart and children are being taken from their parents. Because of decisions rendered by courts, our elderly and disabled are losing all their rights and all access to their assets through guardianship proceedings which only stand to benefit attorneys and the guardians. These “civil” proceedings are shredding the most fundamental unit of our society, which is the family.


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