Sunday, Sep 29th

Last update06:31:21 AM GMT

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Tylenol drug linked to asthma

Babies who receive acetaminophen in the first year of life are significantly more likely to have symptoms of asthma and other allergies when they're a few years older.

A huge, worldwide study of more than 200,000 children also found that 6- and 7-year-olds who are given acetaminophen often - at least once a month - are three times as likely to suffer wheezing and whistling in their chests compared with children who never take the drug.


Judge orders Cheney to preserve records

A federal judge on Saturday ordered Dick Cheney to preserve a wide range of the records from his time as vice president. The decision by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a setback for the Bush administration in its effort to promote a narrow definition of materials that must be safeguarded under by the Presidential Records Act.

The Bush administration's legal position "heightens the court's concern" that some records may not be preserved, said the judge.


TVNL Comment: Yeah, right.  Like anyone in this administration cares about court orders.  Cheney has destroyed most of his records already, and will continue to do so.  And nothing will happen.

Bank of America chief: half of banks won't exist in 5 years

In a speech in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Bank of America Corp. CEO Ken Lewis said he envisions a banking industry that is smaller but better.

He declined to predict when financial markets might recover, but said that many banks will have to merge or be bought out in order to survive.


Overcoming anthrax doubts

The FBI, the U.S. attorney for Washington, D.C., and postal inspectors did not convince everyone last month when they laid out their case against the late Army microbiologist Dr. Bruce Ivins.

Mueller had announced Tuesday that, partly owing to pressure from members of Congress, he will ask the National Academy of Sciences to conduct the review. To help prevent doubt from lingering forever, the public — and Congress — must be assured the review panel is indeed independent.


Voting problems in several swing states

A new Government Accountability Office report on voting system testing finds that the Election Assistance Commission has not notified election officials across the country about electronic voting machine failures.

And a new study by Common Cause and the Century Foundation finds that 10 very vital swing states have significant voting problems that have not been addressed since the last election.

Those 10 states, according to Common Cause, are Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

In Colorado, 20,000 left polling places without voting in 2006 because of crashed computer registration machines and long lines. And this election day, Colorado will have another new registration system.

TVNL Comment: In a real democracy this would be unnaceptable. And in a real democracy with a real press this would be the most important story of the day until it was resolved.


How Many People Equal Too Many in America? Life Less Plesant

“The bad news is that since the late 1960s, 1.9 billion more people have arrived on the planet than have left,” Mann said. “Even if future rates of fertility are the lowest in history, as is likely, the children of today’s children, and their children’s children, will keep replacing themselves, and the population will increase vastly. Nothing will stop that increase, not even AIDS. Pessimists estimate that by the end of the decade another 100 million people will be infected by HIV. Almost ten times that number will have been born. Barring unprecedented catastrophe, the year 2100 will see 10 to 12 billion people on the planet.”


Vice President Dick Cheney's Incredible and Deadly Lie

By Deceiving a Congressional Leader, Cheney Sent Us to War on False Pretenses and Violated the Separation of Powers - as Well as the Criminal Law

Cheney's Bold Face Lie To Congress

According to Gellman (and to paraphrase from the Post story on his finding), in the run-up to the war in Iraq, the White House was worried about the stance of Republican Majority Leader Richard Armey of Texas, who had deep concerns about going to war with Saddam Hussein. According to the Post, Armey met with Cheney for a highly classified, one-on-on briefing, in Room H-208, Cheney's luxurious hideaway office on the House side of the Capitol.


Failed Bank List

This page contains useful information for the customers and vendors of these banks. This includes information on the acquiring bank (if applicable), how your accounts and loans are affected, and how vendors can file claims against the receivership.


Hurricane Ike news blackout on dead bodies

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