Monday, Mar 10th

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Massachusetts Already Has Romney/Obama Care. Massachusetts Physicians Prefer Single-Payer

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by Jerry Polilcoff,  Research Committe Chair and original Board member of Healthcare4ALLPA

Earlier today, Dr. Walter Trou referred to a survey of Massachusetts physicians where 34% supported moving to a single-payer system. Dr. Trou , a former Philadelphia Health Commissioner, also is a board member of Healthcare4AllPA and Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP).

I found the study that was conducted in 2010,  as well as the 2011 study that is now out.

The survey is in a pdf format that does not permit copying (you can print it or down load it though).  I’ve summarized the findings that are of value to single-payer advocates, and they are attached.  The url for both the 2010 and 2011 studies are at the end.


Blackboxvoting: Racial Dilution of Voting Records

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By Bev Harris, Founder of

In June 2007, a steady voter in Memphis named Effie Washington was a Black woman.  But before the 2008 presidential election, Effie's voting record was changed to read "gender: man; race: other".  In June 2009 her voting record was changed, to "gender: woman; race: other".

At one time Sharonda Williams* was listed as a Black woman. She was purged from Shelby County (TN) voter rolls with a code indicating she had moved out of the county, even though she lived in Millington, a Memphis suburb in Shelby County. Sharonda was issued a different voter ID number and then listed as "race: other".  Sharonda voted at her polling place in the May 2010 primary, selecting a Democratic ballot, which is marked  as "cast" in the electronic poll book. But that poll book log never was made public, and the official voter history records report that Sharonda Williams did not vote. In August 2010, Williams is reported as voting Republican.

*There are only two persons on the Shelby County voter list named Sharonda Williams. One has a birthdate in 1978, one in 1981. The information above pertains to the one born in 1981.


From The Land Beyond Beyond: Life After America

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by Bob Alexander, founder of

(Author of Why We Left the United States)

Eventually every cast member of Sesame Street sang, “One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong …” And for the last month or so it’s been my theme song too.

The myriad differences between The United States and Canada, most small, some huge, culminate in an odd sort of “culture shock” that resonates throughout the day. And with each noted difference … a mini-Twilight Zone episode.

At first glance the usual scattered change on my bedside table; nickels, dimes, and pennies, look like the loose coins that have always cluttered the nightstand. But look closer … on the penny the image of a dead president has been replaced by a living queen. We’ve slipped into another dimension, an alternative universe. That's the signpost up ahead  your next stop, the Canadian Zone. But unlike the unease simmering under each Rod Serling story, the differences here are … pleasant.


Why We Left The United States:

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by Bob Alexander, Founder of

Because on December 12, 2000, the United States Supreme Court nullified the results of a national election and installed George W. Bush as president. And then I saw millions of my fellow Americans deliriously happy the Rule of Law was broken by the Supreme Court of the Land so “their guy” could … “win.”

That’s when I knew partisanship had ultimately won out over reality. More Americans believe in angels than election fraud. If millions of Americans could turn a blind eye to a stolen election, simply because their side stole it, and then have that coup legitimized by not only the Supreme Court … but by all of MainStreamMedia … then I knew the country I lived in was not the land of my birth.


We Don't Need MORE Jobs and More Credit, We Need Fewer Jobs and Debt Relief!

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I want you to think long and hard before you try to answer these two questions. I want you to think about your answers because you need to give your mind a chance to break free of the brainwashing it has been subjected to by our establishment representitives in government and their reality control agents known as the mainstream media.

Question 1: Why do the majority of the working class need to work harder, longer and for less wages (relative to the value of currency), even as techological advances in every area of life exist to make life easier? There really is not as much to do, per capita, as there had been in the past. So why do we really need more jobs? (I'll answer this...just think about the question for a bit first.)

Question 2 (Actually several questions here): Have you ever been advised by someone who cares about you or whom you respect (parent, sage elder, economic professor, accountant or financial adviser), to accumulate debt? Did your mom or dad ever sit you down and teach you to borrow money and get into debt? Then why does every politician and political hack on TV tell you that the key to getting our economy in good shape hinges on banks lending more money? Why aren't they trying to help families and business get out of debt? (Again, I will answer this as well...just let the questions sink in for now.)

As each minute passes, humanity progresses technologically on almost every level, or almost every level. I can only think of two exceptions here. One would be space travel. Putting a man on the moon is the only thing that humanity was supposedly capable of doing that we are no longer capable of doing technologically. Interestingm isn't it?  How did we accomplish such feat in eight years using 1960s technology yet we can not do the same thing today? As a matter of fact a recent study found that if we wanted to put a man on the moon today it would take us twenty three years to do so...even with our exponentially advanced technology.  Makes you wonder...or at least it should. The other area we are not progressing is in the area of curing or preventing deseases. We can "treat" a multitude of deseases if our medical establishment is designed to ensure people continue to get these deseases for if they don't the very insustry that cures them will be obsolete. Kind of a self defeating model. Even worse, with a desease like cancer, health care professionals who make a living finding and treating the desease are encouraging and advising us to screen for the desease more often, using screening methods THAT CAUSE CANCER!!!...How stupid are we humans?

So here we are in the new milenium. We have machines and computers doing more work than any humans can do. Machines and computers don't require salaries, health insurance, bonuses or time off for the most part. They cost less than why are prices for everything always rising? Shouldn't they be going down? When it is so much easier and cheaper to produce product, why have product prices gone up as apposed to down?

Mass production, automation, distribution, comminication, and in every identifiable area of existence, t Needs You Today! Take 5 Minutes to Be a Journalist.

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This is a huge week when it comes to real news and information. The anniversary of the events of 9/11 always piques interest on the Internet. My recent articles on 9/11 are directed at people who would not ordinarily visit our site. While many sites have republished these articles the majority of people who really need a a wake-up call to reality will never see them.

I ask you all to take a few minutes to be a journalist today. I ask you to take a few minutes to help inform your fellow human beings that the real world is not on TV. Help share vital news and information with them today!

Take a few minutes to help reach a wider audience. If you would be so kind as to take any or all of the following steps you would be helping us out greatly.


(USA) 8/11 - New Report on Key Public Safeguards: "WHO CAN VOTE" - "WHO DID VOTE"

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by Bev Harris, founder of Black Box Voting Inc (Reprinted, with permission)

I've been absent from the public eye for nearly four months, involved one of the most comprehensive examinations of voting information since 2005. I analyzed a sequential set of 80 voter history lists, 1,000 electronic poll book reports, a dozen master electronic poll book records, 50 participating voter lists, internal worksheets on purges, transaction logs for updates and changes in voter lists, user guides, correspondence and staff training materials. The findings will help citizens oversee the 2012 election. My five-part report for citizen oversight of WHO CAN VOTE / WHO DID VOTE will be released at, one major report per week, throughout the month of September 2011.

Four things the public must be able to see and authenticate:
1. Who can vote (the voter list)
2. Who did vote (participating voter list)
3. Chain of custody
4. The count


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